Saga frontier gameshark codes
Saga frontier gameshark codes

The other illegitimate method for bringing back Aerith requires the player to own an original PlayStation, as well as copies of Final Fantasy VII and Saga Frontier. According to the Pop Fiction show on the GameTrailers YouTube channel, the player can keep Aerith in the party without the aid of cheat devices. You Can Also Bring Aerith Back With Saga Frontier There are GameShark codes that can add her back into the party once the player reaches disc two, but she is only really of use in battle scenes, as she doesn’t have dialogue programmed into the game after her death, save for a couple of moments early on in disc two. The developers had never intended for the player to prevent Aerith’s death.

saga frontier gameshark codes

#Saga frontier gameshark codes full#

The Internet was once full of supposed methods for bringing back Aerith, but none of them work. It’s possible to bring Aerith back to life through illegitimate means by using a cheating device, such as a GameShark. Of course, Aerith doesn’t have to stay dead. You Can Bring Aerith Back With Gameshark Codes If someone has been wounded too extensively or if their injuries are left untreated for too long, then items and spells can’t help them. The rules for revival magic in the Final Fantasy universe are loosely defined, but there are limitations to what they can accomplish. Galuf had pushed himself too far and endured too many wounds for healing magic to work, and he passes away. Exdeath is forced to flee and Galuf’s friends try to revive him, using spells like Curaga and Raise, as well as items like an elixir and a phoenix down, but to no avail. Exdeath launches powerful magic spells upon Galuf, but he doesn’t go down. Despite being at zero hit points, Galuf keeps on fighting. There is a point in the story where the party is incapacitated and Galuf must fight the all-powerful Exdeath on his own. Galuf was one of the main party members in Final Fantasy V. The reason why Aerith couldn’t be brought back with an item or spell was answered all the way back in ’92, as Galuf from Final Fantasy V tested the boundaries of how effective healing magic was in dire situations.

saga frontier gameshark codes

Final Fantasy V Proved There Are Limits To What Items/Spells Can Achieve Outside of the Lifestream somehow intervening and saving her (as what happened with Genesis in Crisis Core), there were no items or spells that could bring her back. The characters who hit zero hit points are generally considered to be at death’s door and their wounds are so grave that special revival magic is needed to bring them back from the brink.Īerith’s wound was so grave that she was beyond help.

saga frontier gameshark codes

This status is different from being put to sleep (which requires separate items/spells to cure) and represents a character being beaten into unconsciousness. In most Final Fantasy games, when a player hits zero hit points, they are considered to be knocked out instead of killed.

Saga frontier gameshark codes